We are excited to announce that applications are now open to Frontiers Health’s iconic Start-up Discovery session.

Over our past six global editions, we at Frontiers Health have been striving to help put emerging and established startups on the map with their proven and scalable solutions.
As we have proudly witnessed, startups represent a key catalyzer to build the foundations of a new healthcare experience and can deliver an even more profound impact when collaborating with top global players in health and care.
We’re humbled to have supported thousands of new healthcare ventures over the course of our journey as an ecosystem, shedding light on their promising solutions, connecting them with investors and key stakeholders, and nurturing their ingenuity with insightful know-how.
To fuel the multifaceted and complex health innovation scenario again this year, we are inviting start-ups on any continent to apply with products already launched in the market and that have some initial traction, preferably in the process of raising their Series A or B funding rounds.
Top companies and investors from a range of health verticals will be in attendance giving the selected start-ups global visibility. All this plus exclusive access to conference activities led by the top companies in the pharmaceutical and medical industries. This year we will further expand the networking segments as more leading companies from across the world come to Frontiers Health seeking trailblazing start-ups to meet their innovation goals.