10 years in 10 days: the new global digital health paradigm in life sciences
Register and join the webinar held by pharmaphorum and Healthware Group about the He…
Register and join the webinar held by pharmaphorum and Healthware Group about the He…
A booklet to learn about the topics discussed at FH19 Reflections, ideas and analys…
The Coronavirus emergency needs to be tackled seriously, but without panicking. Tha…
An interview with Roberto Ascione, CEO & Founder of Healthware Group It is fair…
Announced a call to present innovative projects and solutions, testimonials, product…
Jin Wu, Weiyi Cai, Derek Watkins and James Glanz have analyzed the spread of the Cor…
The ParkinsonCare telenursing service for people with Parkinson’s disease in the Ita…
The startup has already raised 1 million euros in the last 15 months and won over 10…
So, do I feel Apple and Google and Amazon can do a greater activity? A thousandfold.…
Ferrer launches Ferrer4Future, a collaborative initiative between start-ups and corp…