A booklet to learn about the topics discussed at FH19
Reflections, ideas and analysis of what happened at the Frontiers Health 2019 conference have been collected in the booklet Stories from Frontiers Health, realized by Frontiers Health in collaboration with Healthware Group.
Get your copy of Stories From Frontiers Health here

Our editorial staff has always been a media partner of Frontiers Health, the global conference on digital health, which every year in Berlin involves over 600 participants to discuss on digital therapies, innovative technologies, health transformation, investments and ecosystem development.
The booklet, available here, collects the contributions of those who experienced the conference personally, both as speakers and as participants, giving a snapshot of the main topics discussed and the ecosystem of innovators that make this conference a unique platform of experience and knowledge in the panorama of health innovation.
Sharing experience and knowledge to foster new ideas
The Frontiers Health team has created and promoted this editorial collection with the aim of fostering a worthwhile sharing of health knowledge and innovation, since the Coronavirus emergency is bringing to light the need to adopt health and digital technologies to respond strategically to the needs of doctors, patients and all of us.
We are sure that this booklet will allow you to know or relive the experience of Frontiers Health and to understand the digital transformation of the health world, as it is proving to be of extreme importance during the current health emergency.