Frontiers Health 2020: the live coverage by pharmaphorum
Digital health innovation conference Frontiers Health kicks off its 2020 edition this week, although the majority of the conference will be held online…
Digital health innovation conference Frontiers Health kicks off its 2020 edition this week, although the majority of the conference will be held online…
The new eHealth Monitor measures Germany's progress on its journey toward digital healthcare By Laura Richter and Tobias Silberzahn, McKinsey & Co…
Lower-income countries could soon leapfrog high-income countries with AI-enabled health technologies, Novartis Foundation and Microsoft backed report s…
Digital Health Blog talked to one of the well-known leaders in the Finnish health innovation ecosystem, Christian Lardot. Christian wears several hats:…
In this interview we continue our talk with Henrik Matthies, Managing Director of Health Innovation Hub (HIH), about the digitalization of the Germany'…
Henrik Matthies, Managing Director of Health Innovation Hub (hih), is one of the few people who can explain a serious and complex German law in an abso…
The evolution of startup development instruments on the example of the Nordic digital health ecosystem. Mentorship is considered essential for the gro…
And how the recently adopted law promotes Germany as the top destination for the international digital health startups. The latest news about the Germ…
Last week One Drop, the US-based startup offering digital therapeutic solutions for diabetes and other chronic conditions, announced a new step in its …
Fitbit announced Fitbit SenseTM, the company’s most advanced health smartwatch, bringing innovative sensor and software technology with the world’s fir…